I am thankful for my legs, as they let me walk
I am thankful for my hands, as they allow me to feel
I am thankful for my nose, as I can smell the flowers that are in the field
I am thankful for my tongue, as I can taste the fruit that God gives me
I am thankful for my eyes, as I can see the color God painted across his garden
and yet, when I walk into the house of God, I have
mud on my shoes. When I speak, filth in my words. When I think,
poison in my mind. And inside, sin in my heart.
But even through this, God loves me. Do you know why God loves me?
Because he gave me these legs, so that I can walk the path of righteousness
He gave me these hands, so that I may clean myself
I have this nose, so that I can smell the sweetness of right, and the decay of wrong
He gave me this tongue, so that I can refuse Satan and his demons
He gave me these eyes, so that I can be blinded by his holy presence
I have all of these tools because God loves me
With these tools I can wipe the mud off my shoes, clean the
filth from my words, cure the poison from my mind,
and purge the sin from my heart.
It is easy to be thankful for what you have, but the
real challenge is being thankful for what you don’t have
This is a powerful poem, Ed, and a good reminder to thank God for our abundant blessings.